Shrader Bow Services

Rehairs and Repairs


  • Violin/viola $80
  • Cello $90
  • Bass $95 to $105 depending on choice of hair
  • Open-frog bows for early instruments $70-95

Grips and leather

  • Leather $35
  • Lizard $45
  • Handle cover: $60 leather/$75 lizard

For repairs listed below, please inquire on pricing.


  • Silver wire + goat
  • Silver wire + lizard or kangaroo 
  • Faux Whalebone, professional
  • Leather wrap

 Tip Replacement

Materials for tip replacements include a range of ivory substitutes.

Tip replacement is a labor-intensive repair that requires patience, a delicate hand and well-developed sense of style and historical preservation. Tip replacements are labor-intensive and require care and sensitivity. Fine historic and contemporary bows may require extra time and pricing will vary.

 Screw and eyelet work

“Simple” eyelet replacement is rarely simple. If your eyelet is worn out, there is probably a reason: eyelet or screw out of alignment, holes off center screw threads too sharp or worn, stick worn… And then there is the problem of thread forms!

For estimates, please inquire.